The process and technology that Dragon-Line is adapted from are called MDI (Mobile Drip Irrigation).
Dragon-Line is orange drip-line tubing co-extruded from a blend of high-quality PE resin. The pressure-compensating emitters are continuously self-flushing, welded to the internal wall of the drip line, and fully operated at seven psi. Dragon-Line Emitter Tubing is attached to Dragon Flex Hose which drags completely on the soil surface, thus the name “Dragon-Line”.
As Dragon-Line is pulled behind the system, the emitters deliver a uniform water pattern across the full length of the irrigated area.
Dragon-Line significantly reduces evaporation, and soil compaction, and eliminates wind drift. Dragon-Line Mobile Drip Irrigation is transforming Pivot Irrigation Through Drip Technology. Dragon-Line patented technology combines the efficiency of surface drip irrigation with the flexibility and economics of mechanized irrigation systems.
Why choose Dragon-Line
Precision irrigation
Potential for over 30% water savings compared to conventional water applications
Electricity savings equivalent to that of your water percentage
Significantly reduces evaporation, runoff, compaction, and crusting of soil and eliminates wind drift loss
Eliminates windburn, and plat shock from sudden temperature changes and reduces the potential for plant diseases by keeping foliage dry
Reduces soil contamination ( salinity, heavy metals, etc.)
Accuracy of water for small ( 100-500 GPM) well throughout the complete system
Reduces or eliminates wheel track issues and less wear and tear on the gearbox
Germination, chemigation, and fertigation with increased savings
Better yields and healthier crops
Growing with Dragon-Line
And so much more, check out our American company to see the full range of applications.
What Dragon-Line® Customers Have to Say
March 2019
“As an irrigation farmer from South Africa that was affected by drought, down from 700ha to 180ha, I was faced with the reality that irrigation water was becoming very scarce due to the past few seasons being extremely dry, river flows being lower than usual and our electricity costs were escalating. With 25years experience in all forms of irrigation I knew that traditional drip irrigation was much better that sprinklers, but the traditional drip has high labour cost with big capital input costs and challenging management issues.
Then I found Dragon-Line Mobile Drip Irrigation. I started to convert my farm to Dragon-Line Mobile Drip Irrigation and I have never looked back from that day as I have personally reduced my Irrigation flows by about 50-70% and 50-70% less electricity costs while not even mentioning the added savings on maintenance of my pivot systems with less wheel tracks, resulting in many savings on wear and tear of gearboxes and motors on top of many other crop advantages and improvements like switching to strip tillage because of drip irrigation being able to penetrate much better than sprinklers and creating new farming possibilities.”
Mobile Drip Irrigation has the potential to increase crop water use efficiency by reducing evaporation and increasing transpiration.
Isaya Kisekka Ph.D.
The Dragon-Line technology is one of the best things to come along in 20 years.
Loren SeamanSeaman Crop Consulting
With Dragon-Line, we get the water savings of drip irrigation with the manageability of a pivot, and this is a great way to help reach sustainability with our aquifers.
Robert Jochens Western Irrigation Supply House
What Dragon-Line has done for us is that it's made so that the water doesn't even see the sunlight, it doesn't even feel the wind, and it puts the water right down at the root base, where in years past, we might have lost 25-30% of that water on a hot and windy day.